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(Starting from 2024/06/29)

My name is Jenna Soulight, and this site is forever in progress.

I am a biology student from Hungary. I go by she/her primarily, but I don't mind whatever you throw at me. I get a bit intense about the things I like, and I spend too much online talking about fiction, which my grades have often suffered for.
The Jenna part of my name was stolen from Jenna Marbles, the Soulight part comes from a minecraft username (Soulight228) that was given to me when my account got hacked - I recovered the account, but i grew attached to it by the time the 30 days between name changes passed. If I was an animal I would probably be a cat, which is absolutely neccessary information about me. I also like cooking, making art, and so many other things that I have pages for, or will make pages for in the future!

I am also known as Tumblr User Hiveswap, since I got lucky and managed to get the name of a video game called Hiveswap as my username on tumblr. That's where this site's url comes from!

I encourage you to look at my pages either on desktop, or in landspace mode with desktop mode enabled. I coded it on firefox, I don't take responsibility for the way chrome makes it look. Happy exploring!!

I also recommend that you take a look at my current project:

Experience NAOMI

Experience the revolutionary new era of bio-artificial intelligence with our exlusive first look at NAOMI.
(some features may be missing)

If you want to see what I'm up to outside of this, click "My Blog" on the navbar! I have my tumblr embedded and functioning. Over there you can send me asks and messages, but if you don't have an account you can just sign my guestbook! Don't forget to also vote for best quartz!

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hover over it to open!

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