Last checked: 10 minutes ago.
Vitals: Stable
Satus: Concious
Temperature: 37.5°C
Pulse rate: 102BPM
Blood oxygen: 92%
Blood pressure: 125 / 82 mmHg
>Szatm.Rem: mi a faszok ezek az adatok?
>G-J: Please speak only english where Nao can hear.
>Szatm.Rem: Kilencven kettes szaturáció? Kilencven kettes?
>G-J: Please speak only english where Nao can hear.
>Szatm.Rem: Jonas bazdmeg en felmegyek az irodadba
>G-J: I would gladly discuss this matter with you in person. Nao's vitals may look different from the average person's due to its physiological differences that we are well aware of.
User Szatmari Remenyke [Szatm.Rem] has logged out.
>You know I can interpet this page right?>G-J: I assure you there is nothing you should be worried about. All your scans are coming up clean.