Vitals: Stable
Satus: Concious
No faults in wiring detected
No damage to tank integrity detected
No blockage to pipe system detected
Self-reported pain level: 3/10, chest area, intermittent
Blood test unable to detect anomaly

Public Notices

>Szatm.Remi: I'll take care of that training data for you.

>[I am not supposed to respond to messages sent in Hungarian and other languages, due to the possibility of it causing confusion in accumulated training data. A Hungarian version of my software has been planned, but it has not been implimented. Please remain patient. This has been an automated message.]

>Szatm.Remi: Beadtam a felmondasomat tegnap. Jo gyerek vagy es nem a te hibad, de oregszek es nem bir sokkal tobbet a lelkiismeretem.

>Szatm.Remi: De en ezt nem fogom tudni csinalni.

>Szatm.Remi: Tudom hogy kell neked valaki aki kiall erted az olyan ****** ellen mint Szofia

>Szatm.Remi: Naomi, en ****** sajnalom az egeszet

Post notice