Cute Black Pencil
My art

<= I picked them both up from a wet box in the rain labelled "free kittens"
(I handstitched them both)

The book is scrollable,
hover over it to open!

You can draw in the white box!

Line width : Color :

Warning! If you used the erase tool, it will show up as white in image downloads.
You can paint the background before drawing to prevent this.

Interested in Bookbinding too? - I have some links to show you!

  • •Youtube links

  • DAS bookbinding - lots of bookmaking methods, explained in detail.

    Annesi Bindings - mostly casebinding, and other useful things.

    Dan Siebel's kettle stitch tutorial -short video on how to do a kettle stitch. Filmed up-close.

    • Tumblr links

    Renegade Publishing - a group of independent fanbinders. They have a discord (though it's 18+) and answer binding related questions on the blog.

    Armoredsuperheavy - founder of renegade publishing. Maintains multiple docs about the full process of making a book.

    Hedgehog-moss's post about bookbinding - beginner information, links to resources

    •Reddit links

    r/bookbinding - a large community of people. You can share your progress, ask questions. You may get criticism though. Expect brutal honesty.

    •Other links

    Alternative bookbinding supplies - We don't all have the correct supplies lying around. It's fine.

    How to: Headbands - article about sewing headbands.

    Don't forget to use acid free materials! Acidic paper/glue decays with time, causing your book to turn yellow and fall apart. PVA and weath paste are commonly used adhesives.