Chihuahua Dog My Pets

These are our pets as of 2025! They are all well-kept and in good health, though the dogs are getting old.

This is Virag (brown) and Fuli (black) They are a set. do not separate.
They are old ladies: Virag is ten years old, Fuli is a rescue so we don't know, but she's been with us for nine years. One of her ears is crumpled up from a burn she suffered before we got her.
Their powers include being incredibly sweet and cuddling you at night. Virag will lick any exposed skin. We do not know why.

This is Buksi, He's like a toddler boy.
He's primarily my mother's partner's dog, who is away from home most of the time, which launches him into a deep depression
His powers include eating cat shit if left unsupervised, catching small rodents, and watching evangelion with me.

This is Barnus, Our one cat who isn't grey despite being siblings with Sovi and Csipi.
She's so pretty, and meows back in a little disney princess voice.
See that tummy? That soft, curly haired tummy? She'll let you pet it for about two minutes. She'll even go mmmmrp. Then she shreds your skin. But it's worth it.
When my mother lets her out she dissapears all day, no doubt to commit crimes.

My Sweet Son Csipi!
He had an eye infection as a little baby, so he got used to being handled very fast.
He likes to make biscuits. He's basically my child i think
He likes too jump up into the window and rip apart the mosquito net we have up until we pay attention to him.

This is Sovi!
He had to have his outdoor cat privelages revoked early, since one day he came home with a broken leg.
It's fixed now, he's got metal in his leg though.
He likes to follow my mother around wherever she goes.
He always screams when Potyi is trying to play with him despite being twice her size.

This is Cicamama, She's the one who gave birth under our firewood pile and unleashed the previous three on us. She's like a mildly skittish teddybear.
My mother claimed that she didn't like cats for all of my life. Cicamama changed that.
When she came to us, she grabbed my finger between her teeth and pulled me towards where the babies were.
She's got the softest fur and she will not stop purring for an hour if you pet her even once.

This is Potyi. She's a nasty terrible woman.
When we found her we have just recently lost a streetcat we tried to save to FIP, so my mother took her in from the street "temporarily" while grieving.
Potyi provided (and still provides) a distraction by biting, yelling, and not tolerating being picked up.
She only loves us when she's being taken outside or being fed, or is very tired.
She also attacks our other pets playfully but still kind of roughly. Her face is kissable but at what cost.
