2025/01/09 - Happy new year!! I spent New years Eve with my boyfriend and one of my ex-roommates at a bar themed around video games and other generally popular nerd stuff. We played a board game. I very nearly blacked out from rolling 1 on a d20 challenge where the die decides what drink you get. I won a Marvel pin on a raffle. It was a lot of fun and we will be going back for sure! :) Anyway, as of today I only have one more exam left so of course I fucked around with css instead of studying. I added a paper effect to a fic I wrote back in 2023 - and decided to go ahead and link that fic on my "stories I like" page. Also, hey? what's that light blue box below Chippie?
2024/12/19 - Done with most my exams, two or three left. I think I'm doing fine in terms of grades, though my plant anatomy teacher was dissapointed with me. Also, this time it's my physical health that is acting up, but i'll be home until february so i'm hoping it sorts itself out soon. I got back into comics a little. It's a great outlet for toxicity.
2024/11/19 - This has quickly become a life updates box rather than a site updates one. Still in university, my first exam season is coming up. I'm in an odd place mentally. My grades aren't too bad, not amazing either. Hopefully I can keep my gpa high enough to keep my scholarship. Anyway, on the My Art page the bookbinding stuff no longer just links to my tumblr, i added a little box that contains all of the links directly on this site
2024/09/10 - Officially started university yesterday! Things aren't going bad so far, though i will have to start taking better notes... Still scared of half to death, still trying to figure everything out. My schedule sucks so I couldn't get a job, but maybe that's for the better? I'd rather focus on finding my way this semester. My ocd is acting up again, but that's to be expected when things change around me. that one sucks.
2024/08/14 - Over a month since I last updated?? Things have been strange. For one, I got accepted to university and will be majoring in Biology in a whole new city that I only visited occasionally prior to this. I am not much of a math nerd, so this will be difficult but I'll give it my all! I am also in a fresh relationship and trying to figure that one out while being a strange autistic shut in. This month I'm working in a tourist information desk so if you have any questions about what to do around Lake Tisza, ask away. All of this was liveblogged over in my Tumblr btw because I was unsuccessful at making this my main online thing.(tm) No progress on the secret project, it's kinda based on isolation and loneliness and being kissed kinda snapped me out of that headspace lmao
2024/07/10 - I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday, but other than that, over the last few days I've been working on that project. It might be the weirdest thing I've ever done.
2024/07/07 - Started a secret project!
2024/07/04 - WEBRING TIME!! I just got accepted to the Autists Online Webring. such a good day. historically nothing else has ever occured on this day. Anyway, I literally just woke up and immediately got to setting up the webring widget the moment i saw the e-mail. The design of the "index" link is heavily based on fellow member Cyberdemon's link design, I felt that it fit the rest of the widget flawlessly. (the default is plain black) I'll also put the whole widget somewhere else later, it just doesn't look right currently. Anyway, thanks a lot for having me!! I'm gonna go start my day now.
2024/07/03 - Added a download and background painter functionality to the drawing board on the My art page!
2024/07/02 - Worked on the My Art page, a little bit on the Home page's mobile look too.
2024/06/30 - Made a new header, played with a code optimiser site, and then finally got a decent background as well!
2024/06/29 - Added a Gifypet based on one of my family's cats, as well as a decent visitor counter! Starting from 1, because I have no way of knowing how many there have been since I started this site.
Also, moved the navigation into the draggable window, put stamps in its place, and put the buttons to others' pages down into the sidebar!
2024/06/28 - made the guestbook into an actual book and put it next to this box! (+minor cosmetic changes)
2024/06/26 - After a brief break due to the Érettségi exams, I am back and have embedded my tumblr page instead of just linking to it. Check that out to see more frequent activity from me! I am on there all day every day. Not pround of that.
2024/06/06 - added things I collect to my Misc. page, added some javascript effects to the Stories I like pages and the shirnes linked from there.
2024/06/03 - remaned "Music I like" to Misc., will add rock collection and other fun stuff there as well (trust the process)
2024/05/30 - added this box, rewrote my introduction, changed cursor to diamond pickaxe
2024/05/29 - found out i can embed other sites
2024/05/28 - added space between elements to divorce my design from the template's